"Breathe as One", by Pipa Cardoso

Filipa Cardoso (Pipa) has spent most of her life researching consciousness expanding modalities and a regenerative approach to health and well-being and envisioning processes for creating an intentional heart-centered life.

She has a doctorate course in digital media & mind-body connection from the UT-Austin-Portugal Collab, is a certified coach for the HeartMath Institute, former Iyengar Yoga teacher, holds multiple trainings for breathwork facilitation - including Breathwave, Oxygen Advantage, Breathwork Bali, Alchemy Rewire - and has been offering her work as a researcher, coach and consultant worldwide for several years.

Pipa popped in again on other occasions during the gathering, each time bringing her grace and alignment to the group.

- https://www.theaskgame.com


"Falling in Love with our Future", by Rob Hopkins