what is soe?

it began with longing…

Soul of Earth is, first and foremost, a vibration. A sound. A note.

SOE is a sanctuary between civilizations. It is a place to remember the nature of the soul and, through that memory, self-initiate creative action in bringing the invisible worlds out.

This is a place to come for Inspiration, Education, and Initiation.

The dance of soul emergence is a living, creative process. This website is no different.

This is not another place to come for content, answers, or even knowledge.

This website has a pulse that breathes, moves and speaks in accordance with the times.

SOE is merely pointing toward what already is. It began with longing...

Maybe you have your own version, feeling a gap between your inner worlds and the outer world — as if your heart holds an invisible puzzle piece on the inside trying to blossom into an essential brick of reality on the outside.

Here we let the soul speak through mythology, symbols, and intuition to move through the revolution of soul culture revealing from the inside out.

SOE is a creative catalyst for the revelation of a soul-based civilization coming to know itself through human beings.

anatomy of soe

SOE is a living, creative being — alive, growing, and not knowing. Here we zoom into the three-fold body of SOE, made up of: Time + Space + Vibration.



The ouroboros. The serpent’s head eating its tail. A dragon of time performs an eternal revolution, a cycle where the beginning comes to devour the end. And playing the notes and chords right on time for revolutions.

The singularity / center of the black hole that sits at the center of our galaxy. This is the void, the Great Unknown. The Mystery is the central point of a soul-based civilization, scientifically and spiritually.


The Earth. A speck in merely one of billions of galaxies. Our planetary home breathes out into cosmos as a tiny atom in a much larger being. This perspective shift helps move the individual self to cosmic self.

In ancient Greece, the words “Know Thyself” were inscribed outside the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. The lineage of this statement spans across many pieces of civilizations.

Today, even in a culture centered around individuality and materialism, we recognize that the invitation into the Mysteries is always here and waiting for every soul who stands at the door.

There were times when the outer culture valued one’s inner life and the development of the soul as the most important thing.

Mystery schools and temples were like vital organs in the collective body of civilization — places where individual cells went for ceremony, initiation, and education for the soul.

May “Know Thyself” continue to be the reminder that calls forth our gaze into the Mysteries as the Mysteries stare back at us.


My life is devoted to soul initiation work and an ancient love for the Temples and Mystery Schools — the ongoing dive into the mysteries between the tangible and the invisible during a particular cycle of Earth as we continue to follow the intuition of the soul, regardless of what the culture around us tells us to do.

My path has often been one of extremes, but has led me to a razor’s edge of exploring what it means to play our part in following the heart’s knowing and the soul’s calling to creatively participate in the framework of civilization. The unknown places where my soul dives into and my human is afraid of — nothing excites me more than this territory.

For me, SOE is about the creative process of our origin story and the process of remembering the spiritual foundation of who we are in the big picture. I have a revolutionary spirit thrilled to sail through the handbookless handbook of the Leadership, Love, and Power that are the foundations of the coming civilization.

Taoism was one of my first loves and my heart became an explorer of many traditions. I consider the Trans Himalayan esoteric tradition home, through the work of Helena Blavatsky, Helena + Nicolas Roerich, Alice Bailey, Lucille Cedercrans, and Bruce Lyon.

I have been a core resident of Highden Temple in New Zealand for the last several years where I’m eternally devoted in teaching, exploring soul community, and continuing to ground the larger cycles of a modern day mystery school. I’ve recently turned my focus back toward my home country, the United States, in service to the Wisdom Sanctuary in the Sierra Nevadas.

I am a songwriter/musician, a lover of H.P. Lovecraft and horror myths, an enthusiast of Antarctic exploration, and a firm believer in the creativity of the human spirit.

You can subscribe to my writings on my Substack page.

olivier ciais

Jonathan Ehrlich

My world is pervaded by Love-in-Action in all its forms :

Applied spirituality and inspired action, meditation, music and writing. Care of the Earth.

Standing wholeheartedly for the coming ones, including as a father and former schoolteacher.

I spent a good part of this life asserting the view of interdependence, the Beauty of Nature, Kosmos, through Music, scientific (astrophysics/cosmology) study and lectures, and facilitating from primary to permaculture schools to transformative spaces.

My path has crossed from very early exoteric and esoteric Christianity, Sufism and Vedic traditions, yet it’s essentially through Tibetan, Vajrayana Buddhism, Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga and the Yoga of Synthesis as pervading the works of Helena Blavatsky, Nicholas and Helena Roerich, Alice Bailey and, for the last decade, Bruce Lyon that I felt “Home”.

I feel in SOE the assertion of the existence of the Soul, not only per se, but also as the primordial ingredient of the dawning Civilisation.
From the depth of the Unknowable at its Core, to the radiant and Loving Consciousness “soularising” our inner and outer worlds, to the landing of this Principle into a tender gesture on the cheek of a child, a song, an essay, a dance or souvenirs of the future like food forests and organic buildings.

A Love story between Space, Soul and Soil that manifested a heaven for soul-based education and permaculture design over my hometown of Nice, South East of France. And ignites a newer land project centred on meditation closer to the mountains.

My stand is dedication to the Earth. Its Evolution. The Soul’s ability to birth and reveal Beauty everywhere it looks and acts.

And, through SOE, playing my fullest part in a Soul Revolution reinventing life on Earth.

“Joy & Woe are woven fine
A Clothing for the soul divine
Under every grief & pine
Runs a joy with silken twine”

- william blake