THE soul revolution

“All external revolutions, no matter how agreeable to this or that party or class, lead into the worst of blind alleys and will bring the greatest misery to mankind if not illuminated by the inner revolution of the soul.

This means throwing off one’s absorption in the purely materialistic view of the world and preparing actively to receive the spiritual wave that is willing to invade human evolution as a new revelation.”

- Rudolf steiner

True freedom is kindling for the fire of the soul revolution.

Revolution and Freedom go hand in hand. From one perspective, there is a singular revolution happening; the Soul of Earth is simply making itself known. While The Soul Revolution may include the spirit of activism — fights, debates, ideology battles, political and cultural shifts — it is about a specific point between civilizations. A larger cycle. A turning of a wheel.

The expression of the human spirit will continue to grow more radical because we are actually moving toward a culture that truly values the human soul as a source of our livelihood. So The Soul Revolution is an irrevocable turning point of human culture on Earth. It is when all perceived separation, polarities and other-ness converges into a point of unity. We begin to feel Life’s diversity of the sacred as it expresses through humans.

This revolution is when the soul as a universal principle — as a cultural value — cannot just be fought for or won over through the mind. It has to show itself and become self-evident, converging between science and spirit, as a tangible fact of who we are and why we are here.

The Soul Revolution is a renaissance with one foot in a dying civilization and one foot in a civilization being born. It is a tension point between the inner worlds and outer world, private and public life. Revelations are afoot around the nature of our divinity — not just more frontiers of our individuality.

One definition of AGENCY is: action or intervention, especially such as to produce a particular effect.

being an soe agent means consenting to being a creative, evolutionary force between civilizations as the soul reveals itself through you.

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In his 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote:

”…Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and establish such creative tension that a community that has consistently refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored. . .I must confess that I am not afraid of the word ‘tension.’

. . .Just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise from the bondage of myths and half-truths. . .we must see the need of having nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men to rise from the dark depths. . .to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood. So, the purpose of direct action is to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation.”

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Though this was written in the context of the Civil Rights Movement, it stands the test of time and points to the precipice we are at today in the negotiation between the individualistic identity of Humanity and the soul that inherently knows we are all one.The more intimate we are with this tension on the inside, even in the midst of battles on the outside, the more we know what kind of revolution we are fighting in.

The Soul Revolution is here. Many voices of Humanity that haven’t been heard are crying out now. Underneath these cries, the soul is breaking free and can no longer be pushed down. Individual identities would not need to fight if the soul was recognized in the first place. But the battle is underway. It is individual, collective, and planetary.


The flame ignites.

You remember that you are a spark of divinity with a delicate, magical unfoldment.

There are signs and symbols to start listening to.

You are not just an individual traveling on a linear path of survival.

3 Phases of a soul revolution


The wheel turns.

The tension between inner/outer and public/private intensifies.

The creative expression of Life itself is trying to roar through your being. Who are you truly?

Being available to this and letting Life re-orient who you think you are becomes the most important thing.


The eye opens.

Whereas the Unknown used to be something to avoid, it is now the only direction home.

You are in full consent of your soul shining through you now, facing whatever crisis comes with an open heart.

Join the SOE movement

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JOIN SOE Broadcast: a channel where you receive broadcasts, mythology, inspiration, creative invitations.

Join soe agents: a group for individuals to interact, localize, and further self-initiate the note of soul culture making itself known.