sounding your note
Soul education focuses on the inner life. One’s unique note finding its sound from within is a revealing act. It happens through listening, love, patience, and revelation. You are seen, raised, and honored as a soul from day one. The inner life gradually finds its expression into the outer world, like a seed growing into a tree.
Instead of needing to know who you’re supposed to be, a soul culture values your blossoming from the inside out. Your right place in the wider culture is an ongoing ceremony — like a giant band practice — as different instruments and keys find resonance with one another.
These 7 notes invite you to explore what quality or note of purpose your soul is here to sound.
If you imagine Civilization as a giant being, these 7 notes signify the functioning organs or departments of culture. These notes also come in to govern large cycles of Earth at different times. As the soul of an individual begins to bloom, it naturally resonates with one of these notes.
This soul note has a focus of power, leadership, politics, and a pioneering quality of forging a path into the frontier of uncharted territory. Those with this note often have a very one-pointed direction. Some part inside always knows where it’s going. Spiritual vision and principles are very dear to these beings and their nature is to hold the big picture. They value the evolution of Life and the freedom of being that expression of Life at all costs.
This soul note often sounds through those who find themselves in the realms of healing, education and teaching. While everyone will value Love in their own way, these beings embody it and live the principle of Love as a guiding factor. They are known to travel along the path of least resistance, living as Love and its embodied wisdom in a nourishing, womb-like space. There is a deep sensitivity here as to how one’s development and expression is watered like a plant in the garden.
This soul note is a weaver of a web, the mycelium network that represents the sparks and synapses of the living mind of the eco-system of Life amongst all components of nature. They value the interconnectedness and creative weaving of different expressions in the forest and how they all serve the same function while mastering their own function as well. This value often expresses as a care for resources, the right flow of economy, the right relationship with land, and architectural frameworks of systems and structures.
This soul note contains the alchemical process of harmony arising through conflict and polarity. It is also a large note of modern times and our dual nature as humans. Those who are instruments for this note often resemble the ‘mad artist’ type. They are often very comfortable with inner war inside of them and the transmutation of those places into wild creativity and expression of universal beauty that rises from the ashes of struggle and strain. In addition to artists, these types often make good mediators and diplomats.
This soul note is all about precision and getting to the core of understanding. For souls sounding this note, it’s about discriminating, valuing, qualifying the specific textures of each object of study. The mind differentiates to share unbiased knowledge that is applicable and proceeds from thorough experiment. These beings are often in fields of science or engineering, for they long to bring humanity the technical progress that will bring reason and equity. This note of mind, experiment, measure and concrete reason often brings unity within the human tribe, responding to the alignment of a demonstrated fact.
This soul note uplifts our hearts and minds to the realms of ideals, of causes greater than our individual journeys. From the outpouring so much of one’s devotion and love, this energy of passion driving a cause has been the root inspiration behind many religious and spiritual movements as well as social changes and activism. Those with this note often demonstrate strong emotion and fire to make the ideal reality a living truth. These beings hold an inherent drive, asserting a purity of motives and discipline needed to follow their direction.
Beauty in the arrangement of the material world is deeply sought after by this soul note. This beauty is revealed, created, embodied through sound and movement, by rituals that reveal a sense divine proportions and rhythms. The body of a human being, as well as of the planet itself, is met with a sense of reverence for its essential sacredness. These beings inherently know divinity as matter and form itself as spirit. They value deep feeling and the sensory nature of being alive in the her and now, down to every expression of life - stone, soil, animal, human, cosmic.