Earth In Transition

is legally based on a franco-american Non Governmental Organization or NGO. 

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Incarnating as a legal and financial form a Soul-based intent is always a difficult exercise, yet to us one important step in landing a Soul culture - here are excerpts from the Statutes that came up from this exploration :

Article 1

Is founded today, a Franco-American Non-Governmental Organization (henceforth NGO), called Earth In Transition, whose scope of action is international.

It adopts the abbreviation “EIT” as its acronym and the following visual as its logo :

Its OBJECT is to actively participate in cultural reinvention and the emergence of a new model of civilization founded on and through the freedom, integrity, love and creativity of the soul principle [1].

It aims at meeting the challenges facing Humanity and the biosphere through inspiration, imagination and trust. Through applied philosophy and metaphysics. Through the convergence of movements like those of the Transition, of deep or spiritual Ecology and of activist, inspired Art. Through conscious and inspired action.

As such, it dedicates Itself to the concrete and non-polarized or polarizing application of its object in all countries where its actions will be appropriate.

[1] : Philosophical and metaphysical principles of the Soul as “that which animates” ; psychological notions of consciousness, of “super-ego”, of innate ; spiritual notions of human, world (“anima mundi”) and universal soul principle as well as their essential unity.

Article 2

To achieve its purpose, the NGO adopts the following means of action :

  • Organization of physical and/or online events, like the Earth In Transition gatherings.

  • Implementation of projects, such as The Soul Nation program aiming at networking, inspiring, supporting and financing land-based, regenerative projects.

  • Artistic creation, notably literature, performance, plastic, architectural and land Art, capable of inspiring, triggering and supporting a switch in cultural and civilisational perspectives.

  • Sharing cultural inspiration and educational and technological expertise, for the purposes of study, co-creation and experimentation of emerging models that can inspire and support the evolution of different facets of civilization, in particular (without be limited to it) : education, philosophy, metaphysics and spirituality, Art and culture, science, ecology, psychology, modes of governance, economics, management, legislation or ecosystemic  / regenerative design of territories (water, soil, energy, etc.). The NGO takes particular care to provoke their meeting and dialogue in a spirit of openness, interdependence, analogy, synergy and synthesis.

  • Promotion - through the NGO’s projects, events, publishing capacities (literary, musical, plastic) and communication networks - of new cultural perspectives, inciting a change of civilizational paradigm - from survival to flourishing. Inviting to take a philosophical, constructive, imaginative and (r)evolutionary look at the way humanity thinks, lives and interacts, within itself as well as with the different kingdoms and ecosystems.

  • As such, in a strictly non-polarized, secular and non-dogmatic vision and action, it encourages to put at the heart of current crises (environmental, social, economic, geopolitical, etc.) the capacities for rebound and regeneration as means of better connecting humanity and the planet - to actively partake in the bringing about of a thriving and sustainable civilization for both. As such, it adopts the 3 “ethics of Permaculture” among its guiding principles : “Earth care, Humanity care, and fair share”.


Article 7

Timeline of the Founding Act and edition of the Statutes of the NGO :

  • Founding Act, included in the article 1 of the present Statutes :

Nice, France and Salt Lake City, USA - 6:45pm UTC - December 21, 2023

  • Enactment of the Statutes :

International airspace and Salt Lake City, USA - 7:49am UTC - December 23, 2023