june 2024 library

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  • "Ubuntu for Transition", by Rutendo Ngara

    "Ubuntu for Transition", by Rutendo Ngara

    Opening Day 2 of Earth In Transition 2024 gathering, Rutendo Ngara potently inspired us with "Ubuntu for Transition", or how culture, communities, civilisation as a whole could be founded on the life-force of the Earth and deep symbiosis with all reigns, rivers and lands.

  • "Soul Revolution", by Jonathan Ehrlich

    "Soul Revolution", by Jonathan Ehrlich

    On this 2nd Day of Earth In Transition dedicated to Inspiration, Jonathan Ehrlich crafted a few emerging myths to foster a Soul Revolution - a soul-based civilisation that would reveal itself from the inside out.

  • "Land Art & Syntropic Regeneration", by Pietro Zucchetti & Sebastian Kitchen

    "Land Art & Syntropic Regeneration", by Pietro Zucchetti & Sebastian Kitchen

    Onsite, Pietro led the creation of regenerative "forest-bombs" following golden proportions and the principles of what he developed as "syntropic permaculture".

    While, online, Sebastian led us into the discovery of the depth of syntropic farming - regenerating landscapes while feeding all reigns and bringing indigenous wisdom back to Life.

    Edible, lush and beautiful gardens to revive the Myth of Eden on Earth - could agroforestry be a cradle for the dawning Civilisation ?

  • "Awakening imaginary to co-create our futures" by Aubrey Yee

    "Awakening imaginary to co-create our futures" by Aubrey Yee

    On this 2nd Day of Earth In Transition dedicated to inspiration, Aubrey sounded a call to welcome both the power of imagination & regeneration, and the grief coming from what we have inherited and the global majority is currently facing.

    She then invites Rutendo Ngara and Pipa Cardoso in a discussion around courage, response-ability and co-creativty.

  • "Cultural Reinvention", by Olivier Ciais

    "Cultural Reinvention", by Olivier Ciais

    Can the gene keys of the dawning Culture be written by the SoulDNA of Nations ?

    Olivier Ciais, founder of Earth In Transition, shares a vibrant call to connect with the Souls of Nations to unveil their unique gifts for Humanity and Earth' Transitions.

  • "Earth Dance", by Mose & Bruna Bortolato

    "Earth Dance", by Mose & Bruna Bortolato

    Mose and Bruna teamed up to conclude the 2nd Day of Earth In Transition gathering with a Cacao Ceremony & Earth Dance. Their music, introductory words and intent to create something special, deeply resonant and aligned with Earth In Transition, was deeply tangible and moving.

    Dancing on Mose's tunes, around the energetics of the Solstice, has been amongst the peak experiences of the event.